Attention Students and Instructors of SKI!
- Please provide proof of vaccination if you are over the age of 12.
- Avoid entry if you have Covid-19 symptoms!
- Maintain a minimum of 6′ distance from other students!
- Sneeze or cough into your sleeve!
- Wear face covering as appropriate.
- Do not shake hands or engage in unnecessary physical contact.
- Attention to these issues show respect for yourself and others.
Student Safety and Hygiene
- Don’t train if you are sick! Review the Covid-19 Questionnaire before coming to class.
- Complete and sign a Shotokan Karate Institute Disclosure and Assumption of Risk statement.
- All students and instructors will have their temperature checked upon entry.
- Clean your hands before class and upon arrival at the dojo. A sanitation station will be available at the front door and at all bathrooms.
- Bring your own water bottle. No sharing of personal items.
- Keep your gi clean and wash after each use.
- Wear your mask while training and clean it regularly!
Class Protocol
- Arrive ready to train and dress prior to arriving if possible.
- Temperature of all students and instructors will be conducted upon arrival at the dojo.
- Students should attend only their regularly schedule classes – no drop in classes. Once classes are set, students will train with the same group over time.
- Parents are asked to only drop off and pick up students. No spectators during class.
- Parents and spectators are asked to wait outside and not enter the dojo.
Social Distancing
- Student training areas will follow social distancing guidelines.
- Students will be assigned a minimum 6′ x 6′ training area.
- Class sizes will be limited to 10 students maximum to maintain distance.
- Students will show respect by bowing. Direct contact will be limited.
- Students will go to their designated training area when class begins.
- Changing areas will be limited to 3 people at a time. Arrive ready to train if possible.
Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols
- Changing rooms, common areas and training areas will be disinfected on a regular schedule.
- Bathrooms: after every use
- Floors, walls, mirrors: after every class
- Only EPA and CDC approved cleaners will be used.
- Disinfectant and related supplies can be found at the front door entry and by all bathrooms.
- Soap and water for cleaning will be available at all bathrooms.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at entry to the dojo and near all bathrooms.
- Instructors and students will be made aware of the cleaning protocols to be employed.
Covid-19 Questionnaire
Dear Parents and Students,
It’s vital that we keep the dojo as safe as possible for all students and instructors.
Please review the Covid-19 questionnaire below. If you or your child has answered yes to any of the questions, please do not come to the dojo to train. Please consult with your primary care provider and return to train when all symptoms are clear.
If you feel that you or your child has been exposed to the virus, please wait at least one week with no symptoms before returning.
If you have had a known exposure, please quarantine for 2 weeks before returning.
Thank you so much,
Hanshi Sharifi
Answer each of these question BEFORE coming to train at the dojo:
- Do you have a fever?
- Do you have a cough?
- Do you have shortness of breath?
- Do you have any chills?
- Do you have any new generalized muscle aching that’s not tied to training?
- Do you have a sore throat?
- Do you have any loss of taste or smell?
- Have you had recent vomiting or diarrhea?
- Have you had any recent exposure to anyone who has the symptoms above or who has been diagnosed with Covid-19?
All answers must be ‘No’ in order to train.